Thursday, September 23, 2010

Southern Tier Brewing Co. - Pumking Ale Review

Type: Seasonal/Pumpkin

ABV: 9%

Sight: This brew pours a pretty, transparent orange with some slight bubbling from the bottom. The head comes out slowly, and i needed to be deliberate to create the thin bubbly-white head i got.

Aroma: Let's see...Nutmeg, vanilla, pumpkin and a little cinnamon come through well, while the malt is abbreviated and inconsistant through the inhale. I get a hint of floral near the finish of the second inhale.

Taste: Roasted pumpkin comes through as almost creamed-corn. Tingles of alcohol that warm the throat follow with a combination of pie spice to bring it all together. The end is a basically bland and uneventful, which is welcome, but unfortunate.

Overall: It's ashame, I was soooo looking forward to this brew since I heard of it and was expecting very good things due to past STBC beers I've had and the praise for the beer itself. The mouthfeel was fine, clean light, without any significant aftertaste, but that wasn't the problem with this beer. The "roasting of the pumpking actually turned the flavor of this beer to what reminded me of creamed-corn...Not joking! I was so overwhelmed with the corn taste that is suggest they rename it "Creamed-Cornking" for next year.

Score: 6.5/10

1 comment:

  1. I've only ever come across a few pumpkin brews that really worked for me (Dogfish comes to mind). The spices typically just taste out of place, floating on top of the rest of the flavors. I usually feel like they need a bigger malty backbone to play off of.
