Saturday, March 20, 2010

Otter Creek Spring ale"German-Style Kolsch" Review

Type: Kolsch-Style

Aroma: Sorry Otter Creek, but when pouring this beer into my glass i wasn't impressed...Unappealing, almost like a pickling brine...Good thing though is it doesn't last...Turns dull almost unnoticeable.

Color: An attractive Golden-Orange

Taste: Hoppy, with some spice(cardimon or clove)...Easy drinking with a light malty finish.

Overall: I liked it once I got over the initial smell. Not a favorite but someone could twist my arm to drink a few.

Score: 6.8/10

Wolavers IPA (Organic) Review

Type: India Pale Ale

Aroma: Sweet, Refreshing, Slight scent of Citrus

Color: Orangish-Brown with Yellow bottom. Pleasant

Taste: Mild hoppiness with the sweetness of Orange...a light malt and  a little bitterness to finish easy and dry.

Ocerall: Wolavers IPA is one of the better IPA's i have had(not a Dogfish Head, but good) Very Mild to the degree that a novice beer drinker can appreciate. Plus, being organic is always a good thing.

Score: 8.3/10

Monday, March 15, 2010


Type: Porter("A dark ale brewed with 7 lucky malts")

ABV: 5.7%

Color: Very dark, almost black with minimal lacing on the glass and not much head

Aroma: A dull Eathy smell, nothing that will grab you.

Taste: It is bland in the beginning, then mildly strong charred-wood almost chocolate in taste.

Overall: Although I can only handle porters in moderation, I could drink a number of these without complaining.

Score: 7.1/10