Friday, July 9, 2010

Goose Island Brewery - IPA Review

Type: IPA

ABV: 5.9%

IBU: 55

Sight: Summery translucent bright-orange with golden tones at the bottom. The head is a finger-thick that is fluffy white and dies off to leave a creamy film on that surface of the brew.

Aroma: Earthy floral front with a hop citrus pop. A nice nose of sweet malt on a deeper inhale.

Taste: Orange and grapefruit with a light sweet caramel backbone. A mild tingle of alcohol from front to back keeps things together well. It finishes with a light sour that pinches on the inner cheeks.

Overall: Not too shabby. The nose matches the taste. The mouthfeel is light to light medium and is very pleasing to to tongue. Refreshing and clean overall with a light aftertaste that can be inviting for more than 1 at a time.

Score: 8.0/10

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

St. Louis Brewery - Schlafly Brand "Dry Hopped APA" Review

Type: American Pale Ale

ABV: 5.9%

IBU: 50

Sight: Nice sunset orange with gold tones peaking through the translucent to opaque body the head was a bubbly white, a fingers thick.

Aroma: Subdued orange with an earthiness that i'm not so sure about(it is pleasant to those nose). Malty sweet touches meld all of it together well.
Taste: Malt sweetness is the leader in flavor and it jumps in from the front. Secondly you get a light tingle from the alcohol along with a subdued hop bitterness following. Not much of a hop-citrus taste, but a mild dryness is intermingled to help even everything out.

OverallL Not a bad APA at all. Very balanced throughout, with a medium mouthfeel. Nothing really pops as the dominant taste for me. I really didn't get the benefit in the dry-hopping at all. it didn't bring those "fruity flavors or aromas" as described on the bottle neck.

Schlafly Brewery

Score: 8.2/10  

Greene King/Morland Brewery - Olde Speckled Hen review

Type: English Pale Ale

ABV: 5.2%

Sight: Beautiful R\red body that is crystal clear, with a very thin head that is gone almost immediately.

Aroma: Strong floral-grassy nose that eminates from the glass well. Some mild hoppiness comes through in the end.

Taste: Nice bite up front with a mellow tingle on the back of the tongue. Roasted malt is prominent and mixes well with the grassy peaks from the hops.

Overall: Very good classic beer with a smooth balanced body. The mouthfeel is light to medium. There is a nice mild aftertaste on the tongue.

Score: 7.6/10

Olde Speckled Hen

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Anderson Valley Brewing Co. Hop Ottin' IPA Review

Type: India Pale Ale

ABV: 7%

Sight: Deep bright orange that isn't able to be seen through. A half finger thick head that is fluffy and white.

Aroma: Previlant orange citrus notes and an earthy backbone with sweet malts poking through.

Taste: Awesomely smooth dry hop punch in the front then the great sweet malts hit up next. Finishes with a light aftertaste that holds the tongue nicely.

Overall: I am very happy that i grabbed this one to finish my singles 6 pack the other day. Great nose, a medium to light mouthfeel. Citrus and hops. I couldn't ask for much more.

Score: 8.9/10

Anderson Valley Brewing Co. Hop Ottin' IPA

Stone, Victory, & Dogfish Head Colaboration - Saison Du Buff (Stone Session) Review

Type: Farmhouse Ale

ABV: 6.8%

Sight: Orange tinted yellow with light-red hues throughout...A rocky thick white head that dissolves slowly.

Aroma: Orange peel, spice, and a sweet malt balanced perfectly.

Taste: Citrusy sweetness of grapefruit, orange, and a touch of lemon come through nicely. Clove or corriander help sweeten up the nice light malty backbone. Another spice comes through, I think rosemary, but could be wrong. There is a bit of bitterness that is inviting and helps add some dryness to things.

Overall: Expected alot out of this collaboration, it delivered and then some. Sweetness, hoppy bitterness, and the uniqueness of ingredients all come together well to make this a top notch beer. I didn't get the specifics of the extra spices of italian, but it didn't matter to me. A great beer from 3 of the best breweries out there. I wouldn't expect anything less.

Saison Du Buff

Score: 9.1/10