Thursday, June 17, 2010

Abita Brewing Co. - Turbo Dog Review

Type: English Brown Ale

ABV: 5.6%

Color: Dark Mahogany brown with a creamy tan mid-sized head

Aroma: Creamy chocolate with a touch of alcohol to give it a little burn to the nose. Toffee and/or caramel are there with a deep inhale. This is a great start.

Taste: Chocolate and coffee aren't there as much as expected. The alcohol is the overwhelming taste. Mild and/or bland til the end, depending on how long you let it rest in your mouth before swallowing. A little spicy aftertaste hangs onto the tongue a little too long.

Overall: With the nose of this being so good and inviting, i was expecting a chocolate milk with alcohol. Boy, was I let down. Dry and almost chalky to the taste with the wanted chocolate coming in way to late in the profile to help. The mouthfeel is light to medium with a decent amount of Carbonation tingling the tongue.

Score: 6.5/10

Barley & Hops Brewery - Annapolis Rocks Pale Ale Review

Type: American Pale Ale

Type: American Pale Ale

ABV: 6%

Color: Clean golden yellow with a darker tint and a light hue of orange. The head was not there, but on the second pour out of the growler it was better.

Aroma: Mellow at hop nose with some mild citrus and pininess popping through on deeper inhale.

Taste: Light Bitter with more malt from behind. Alcohol and citrus intermingle but aren't as pronounced as one might expect. Malt breads it up a bit on second sip, but that just makes it heavier than it should be.

Overall: Second tasting from Barley and Hops Brewery and unlike the first review of Barley and Hops - Hoptopsy ESB, this one was basic and uninteresting. Mouthfeel is medium to full and no in your face distinct flavor to make me go Ohh or Ahh about. I will though get another growler when i am near Frederick because I have faith that they will come through again.

Score: 6.8/10

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

ABita Brewing Co. - Amber Ale Review

Type: Marzen/Amber

ABV: 4.5%

Color: Deep dark copper brown with an off-white thin head that disappears to an even thinner top lacing.

Aroma: Sweet caramels and light cherry comes through up front. Maltiness sneaks up on you, but is there on a deep breath

Taste: Toasted malts with some sweet touches come front and center and are followed by a light alcohol bite. The finish coats the tongue with a creaminess that is pleasant and totally enjoyable.

Overall: A fairly balanced beer from front to back. Smooth with a light mouthfeel. Easily goes down and can be overjoyed if not paying attention. Could be paired nicely with spicy foods such as Steamed Crabs, Mexican, or those from where it is brewed, Louisiana...Jambalaya, or Crawfish.

Score: 7.8/10

Monday, June 14, 2010

Heavy Seas Brewery - Gold Ale Review

Type: Ale

ABV: 4.5%

Color: Clear golden-yellow with a finger thick white head that disappears quickly

Aroma: Fresh hops and floral tones with a slight nose of alcohol

Taste: Bitterness is there, along with some butteriness that coats the tongue. A light tingle  from the alcohol as well as a sweet maltiness

Overall: It's okay...I usually love Heavy Seas beers, but this one let me down a bit. Not much character to seperate it from a basic ale. Even a basic ale can be creative, but not this one.

Score: 7.7/10

Wild Goose Brewing Company - IPA Review

Type: India Pale Ale

ABV: 6.1%

Color: Frothy white head, a finger thick tops this orange-hued brown-bodied brew.

Aroma: Nice orange top notes with underlying flowery tones very clean refreshing.

Taste: Mild and heavier than expected. Orange and malt dominate. Maybe a subtle floral tingle to the tongue with alcohol lightly coming through in the corners of the jaw.

Overall: Was hoping for more, rooting for a Maryland based beer, but this one kinda stays leveled. The nose is very attractive, but the taste was ok, and finishes uneventful. Overall a basic beer.

Score: 7.5/10

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Great Divide - Titan IPA Review

Type: India Pale Ale

ABV: 7.1%

Color: Amber golen body with a awesomely fluffy creamy white head

Aroma: Grassy, Earthy, and slightly sweet. Some pine and citrus accents add to the complexity

Taste: Lightly bitter and dry to start it off. Ot flows nicely into a subtle malt sweetness. It finishes with a mellow alcohol touch that tingles the tongue

Overall: It's good, but doesn't have that bite of the over the top bitterness that I love in a great IPA. Decent effort, Could drink one too many of these

Score: 7.8/10