Friday, July 30, 2010

(Old) Dominion Brewing Co. - Beach House Golden Pilsner Review

Type: Pilsner

ABV: 5.2%

Sight: Very nice translucent golden yellow body that pours with a thick fluffy white head. There is a thin fluffy film remaining on the surface after the head disappears.

Aroma: Wheat, yeast and a nice surprising hop presence lead in the fresh nose. Sweetness is light, if it is noticeable at all.

Taste: Surprisingly the light malts are the initial impact on the tongue. There are light lemon esters fighting through a light hoppiness. It finishes almost creamy with a tad tartness at the corners of the tongue.

Overall: Very good effort from Dominion. Refreshing and clean with a light to medium creamy-type mouthfeel. The aftertaste is a pleasant tartness to contrast the rest of the brew. A definite thirst quencher that is easily sessionable.

Score: 8.9/10

Old Dominion - Beach House Golden Pilsner

Thursday, July 29, 2010

21st Amendment Back in Black Meat Lovers Ring Recipe


1 pound of lean ground beef
1/2 pound of deli cooked ham
1/2 cup of your favorite Bar-B-Que sauce
1/2 cup of mozzarella cheese
2 slices of american cheese
1 tspn. of fresh jarred garlic
2 Rolls of crescent rolls

10-12 ounces of 21st Amendment Back in Black


1. Sautee the meats in a pan, draining the fat, then add the Bar-B-Que sauce and garlic. Then add the beer a little at a time allowing it to reduce down. Let meat cool down for about 15 minutes before using further.

 2. Lay out crescent rols in 2 layers in a circle pattern.

3. Lay meat mixture around the layed out crescents, leaving the center as a circle.

4. Add mozzarella on the top of the meats then add the sliced cheese on top of that.

5. Fold the outer tips of the rolls towards the center, covering the meat.

6. Pinch the folded parts to the center parts

7. Sprinkle more cheese on top of the dough.

8. Pop into the oven for 25 minutes at 375 degrees

Wolaver's "Pat Leavy's" - All American Ale Review

Type: Organic Amber Ale

ABV: ?

Sight: Golden brown with lighter tones toward the bottom. Barely any head comes through from the pour. Small lacing on the surface is white.

Aroma: Plentiful hoppy nose with a light malt backbone. No spiciness or alcohol characters come through to tingle.

Taste: Lotsa bitter bite from the major organic hop presence. There is a dry element in the front that i dig also. The malt is an undertone but does a good job of chilling things out to a decent balance. In the end you get a slight bite of alcohol on the throat.

Overall: A nice hop body that makes the malt an afterthought. The mouthfeel is light and crisp. Aftertaste is slightly sour on the corners of the tongue. For most a one an done, but for others it could be drank in moderation nicely.

Score: 7.8/10

                                                                                              Wolavers - Pat Leavys All American Ale

Kona Brewing Co. - Wailua Wheat Ale w/Passionfruit review

Type: Wheat Ale

ABV: 5.4%

Sight: Bright White-Yellow almost completely see-thru. A very thin head pours, then disappears very quickly. No lacing on the surface whatsoever.

Aroma: Very strong wheat essence with a citrus over-scent. Not pulling the passionfruit in the inhale, but getting more lemon.

Taste: Grains and yeasts are the main tastes i get up front. A sweetness of citrus then comes over the top to take over the whole thing. I assume that is the passionfruit. It is nice and mild...just enough to cover the grains but not too much to offend.

Overall: A refreshing and clean brew that has a nice light mouthfeel and almost no aftertaste. The passionfruit is definitely there but it isn't a distraction, its an addition to the smoothness of the beer. A great brew for the summer season or a regular day in the tropics.

Score: 8.6/10

Kona Brewing Co. - Wailua Wheat with Passionfruit

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dundee - Original Honey Brown Review

Type: Brown Lager

ABV: 4.5%

Sight: Transparent deep brown with lighter-brown almost golden hues throughout. Problem is that there wasn't any type of head to speak of through the pour.

Aroma: Nice light malt front with a tingly hint of alcohol that lead to the sweetness of the honey the deeper the inhale.

Taste: A little dryness up front with the honey showing through decently. The brew goes to a mild malt sweetness in the middle with a slight alcohol taste near the end.

Overall: Not bad, but definitely not what I was hoping for either. I wanted a dominant honey taste to be there, but actually got treated to a balance between the malt and the honey. The mouthfeel is light to medium with a slight sour aftertaste left on the tongue.

Score: 7/10

Dundee Beer

Monday, July 26, 2010

Dogfish Head - Namaste Review...100TH Beer Video Review

Beer review number 100 from The Beer Cruiser is a deserving brew from the masters over there in Milton/Rehobeth Beach Delaware...Namaste...A brew that is made with coriander, lemongrass, and orange peel. A refreshing summer seasonal, that hangs high with the likes of Sierra Nevada - Summerfest, and Evolution Craft Brewing - Summer Session...In my opinion.

I know the video is rough. I did it myself on a tripod with no editing...1 take and done. Bear with me on that please. Constructive critisism is always welcome.

Thanks for following on Twitter and being a friend on Facebook. If not hit those links to do so.

So without further commentary, here it is Beer Review #100: - #100 Beer Review - Dogfish Head - Namaste from Beer Cruiser on Vimeo.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Old Dominion - Oak Barrel Stout Review

Type: Stout

ABV: 5.2%

Sight: Deep dark brown, almost black with a very eager fluffy lighter-brown head that is 2 fingers thick.

Aroma: Chocolate and coffee are up front with an alcohol tingle and a hint of vanilla coming through from behind.

Taste: Definite oak flavors comes through nicely. The roasted coffee and light tinges of chocolate and vanilla fight to overcome the dominance of oak, and actually do. Nice balance between the flavors overall from front to back.

Overall: If your into smoked flavors in your beer, you'll love this brew. If not, you'll like it. Nice light to medium mouthfeel. No hard aftertaste like there is in some stouts. A very refreshing beer, that being aged in the oak barrels has only helped.

Score: 8.2/10

Old Dominion - Oak Barrel Stout