Saturday, July 3, 2010

Evolution Craft Brewery News - July 3, 2010

News and Notes: July 3, 2010

Evolution Craft Brewery - Delmar, Delaware

While filling my growler, I got talking to the Bar-guy and asked about the outdoor setting area I had heard was possibly in the works...He said it was a go and they took measurements for it a day or so ago, and it will be in the front of the Brewery near the main entrance. Also while there I found out that Haymaker was getting ready to be tapped, in 2 weeks(July 14th or so) and Lot #6 Double IPA was coming in about a month. It is basically Lot #3 on Steroids. I can't wait for this one...The best news for me was that the Lot #3 bottles were coming to the mid-Atlantic area in about 4-6 weeks...I love this beer...It is the "Best" IPA I've had to date, and I've had many. So keep in the loop about Evolution Craft Brewing through me on the Blog. Support your Local Craft Brewery's, I Do.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Drink with The Wench Presents BeerBlogger Interview Series - Beer Cruiser

Thanks to Ashley V. Routson...AKA The Beer Wench for interviewing me for the famous Beer Blogger interview series. The questions were quick, painless and also fun and informative. I did realize Dogfish Head's Sam Calagione
is wrong...

Check it out here:  Beer Blogger Interview - Beer Cruiser

Avery Brewing Co. - 14'er ESB Review

Type: ESB

ABV: 5.13%

Sight: Straight up orange with a dulling browness hue to it. The head pours light Off-white that is a finger thick.

Aroma: Orange citrus and grass lead the way with a sweetness pulling up the rear. Very plasant and inviting.

Taste: A nice dry grassy and hoppy front with a little citrusy bite. The malt sweetness is the thing that brings things around full-circle.

Overall: Fits the style well with angy bitterness and brownish in color, malt balance and a light to medium mouthfeel. Enjoyable and sessionable. It finishes clean with a light citrus tingle on the back edges of the tongue. Good job paying tribute to those beautiful peaks in your backyard Avery. I'll see you in November.

Score: 8.3/10

BrewDog Mikkeller - I Beat You Imperial IPA Review

Type: Imperial American IPA

ABV: 9.75%

Sight: Nice translucent amber-orange with lighter highlights at the bottom. The head pours a thick white that clings to the glass nicely.

Aroma: Right on with the typical hop nose of grass and citrus, along with a sweet malt deepness of possible caramel that brings it all together.

Taste: Alcohol is the main thing that is noticed when sipping. Citrus and maltiness lag far behind. There is a bit of dryness that trys to dull the main characteristics and bring things to a balance, but it isn't enough to do it.

Overall: The dry from the hops "almost" overtake the dominant alcohol. A rich maltiness(i'd bet it is roasted lightly), tries to lasso the taste of the alcohol to median levels...It doesn't. All it can really do is help someone say "I BEAT YOU" in the pursuit of getting drunk.

Score: 6.8/10

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

South Hampton Publick House Brewery - Double Witte Review

Type: Witte(White) A Double

ABV: 6.6%

Sight: Bright and cloudy yellow with a fluffy thick head of white that hangs fat for a while.

Aroma: Hops, lemon, some orange, and alot of wheatiness. A very nice and complex nose.

Taste: Smooth and sweet on first swig. Creamy coating of the tongue and sides of the throat. Not bitter or punchy-bold like most wheat beers. Definite orange and lemon along with some spice from most likely coriander or clove.

Overall: Mouth-feel is pleasant and light. Complex taste and nice balance from front to back. I really like witte beers and this one can hang with some of the best German's out there.

Score: 8.7/10

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Flying Dog - "Doggie Style" Classic Pale Ale Review

Type: American Pale Ale

ABV: 5.5%


Sight: A nice see-through amber-brown with a touch of orange. The head is roughly an inch thick and is a bubbly off-white.

Aroma: Lightly toasted malt sweetness up front, maybe caramel, with some hop bitterness(not alot) and a touch of an earthy element.

Taste: A tad dry in the beginning, with that sweetness we got with the nose. A pleasant bitter that bites through each sip. It finishes with a subtle tanginess on the sides and back of the tongue.

Overall: Nice sweetness is the hallmark of the brew. The mouthfeel is light to medium with the bitterness i like. I'd consider this a session beer although othes might not. It is definitely deserving of the numerous medals it has won for it's category.

Score: 8.1/10