Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dogfish Head - Red & White Review

Brewery: Dogfish Head Craft Brewing

Type: Belgian Wit

ABV: 10%

Sight: This brew pours from the bottle a beautiful hazy light-cherry red that is nearly impenitratible to light. A little foggy sediment doesn't completely settle at the bottom. The head pours thin and bubbly white, and dissolves to a scarce film on the surface.

Aroma: Sweetness of grapes and of a very, very light malt front this nose. With a second inhale there is a nice spike of alcohol with a little bit of spice that could be that coriander. The pinot noir juice smell hits at the end of the deeper inhale.

Taste: Alcohol is the big taste that comes forward the most. There is a nice fading of that alcohol into a warming wine grape sweetness that leads to the mid-point of the brews body. A nice mellow dryness comes through well leading to a touch of the coriander spice and cherry juice. The finish is very light and clean.

Overall: I was looking forward to this brew, after seeing it at the brewpub in Rehobeth...Couldn't find it around Baltimore, until recently. I enjoyed this, but was a little disappointed in the overwhelming taste of alcohol...I know it is 10% ABV but I was hoping for more of the Pinot Noir flavor than the alcohol. The mouthfeel is medium to full with a fairly clean and light aftertaste. There is a very good complexity of flavors throughout which make this a very desirable brew. If you get a chance to get this, make sure you grab it while you can.

Score: 8.3/10

Friday, October 29, 2010

Avery Brewing Co. - Indian pale Ale Review

Brewery: Avery Brewing Co.

Type: India Pale Ale

ABV: 6.5%

Sight: Translucent orange that has a dark tone to it. Deep yellows will show when displayed in front of light. The head pours white and thin, then leaves a creamy film on the surface.

Aroma: Re-diculous hop presence with healthy notes of grapefruit, orange and lemon tickling the nostrils nicely. A mellow sweet light-malt follows through the second inhale. I so hope the taste stands true to the nose.

Taste: Wow...Actually surprised that the malt is what flows first to the tastebuds. A great sweet malt, with a heavy dosing of dry piney floralness mixed within. The citrus comes through nicely by way of pops and crackles, breaking through the malt body. The finish is soft with a hint bitter that I enjoy.

Overall: Well I was hoping that I would be satisfied with this IPA when picking it up at the store...I was more than impressed with it to say the least. Floral-citrus-malt-bitterness that was well balanced and flowed evenly from start to finish. The mouthfeel is light to medium and the finish leaves a nice tart bite on the tongue that I wish I could keep all day.

Score: 9.0/10

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Saison Du Buff - Dogfish Head Version Review

Brewery: Dogfish Head Craft Brewery

Type: Farmhouse Ale

ABV: 6.8

Sight: A nearly opaque nice dark-grain yellow with some clearing towards the bottom of the glass. Plenty of carbonation bubbling from the bottom to the bright-white soapy head that seals the surface of the brew.

Aroma: Notes of orange peel and lemon bounce off a hefe-esque light malt backbone. Spices are ringing through on second inhale, Parsley and rosemary are the more dominant.

Taste: A mild malt that cradles the citrus and spice very well. Orange zing with a bite of lemon ride through til the uniqueness of the Italian spices try to make an appearance. Rosemary and parsley are the only spices I can pull from the palate, but it is good that I can distinguish the spices of this version better than the other two.

Overall: Definitely digging this colaboration from three of the country's best breweries...This one is right up there with the others in sense of an overall beer...the thing that is unique to this one from the other two is that I taste more of the flavors more distinctly than previous versions. The malt is crisp and defined, the hop presence is there, but more muted than the Stone version. The spices of Italy are more pronounced than in the other versions. So it is better on some fronts and comparable on others. This one falls right in the middle of the three. Mouthfeel is light to medium, with a mild aftertaste of tart. Hope to see more colab's of this quality from other breweries in the future.

Score: 9.1/10 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Crispin Cider - The Saint Review

Brewery: Crispin Cider Co.

Type: Hard Cider

ABV: 6.9%

Sight: This is a very elegant...Lemon Italian Ice in the color...almost a light neon-yellow that is more opaque than translucent. A very good intial judgement comes from the pour.

Aroma: Very sweet inhale of apples, white grapes, and a touch of maple syrup.  More apple and a hint of yeast and alcohol tingle nose. The very subtle maple syrup added makes this a smoother more evened body than the classic Crispins I've had before.

Taste: I have had the Classic Blue Line of Crispin and enjoyed them completely...but with "The Saint" the addition of the maple syrup and Belgian yeast bring it up too another level. The spice of alcohol is still there but it isn't as intense, due to the added sweet and creamy texture from the syrup. The Belgian yeasts are a nice touch adding an even more unique dimension. The mouthfeel is full and creamy...It will coat the back of your throat. Aftertaste is mellow to non-exsistent. I think this would pair great with a nice filet of Sea Bass.

Score: 8.8/10

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Long Trail Brewery - India Pale Ale Review

Brewery: Long Trail Brewing Co.

Type: India Pale Ale

ABV: 5.9%

Sight: This brew pours a cloudy sunburst golden brown, with yellows shining through at the bottom and top. The head pour evenly throughout, as to not leave a over/under thick head.

Aroma: The nose is Re-diculous on this one...I can almost taste the pine needles and orange slices in the inhale. These smells are balanced and truely inviting, just sitting on the table in front of me.

Taste: The tongue gets a very lax malt on the front with some of the hoppiness coming over the top. Citrus of orange and lemon break through with the malt carrying the flavor profile through to the end of a light tingle of alcohol.

Overall: More of a malt body than expected...There is a decent hop linger of the citrus without much of a bitter of dryness usually found in IPA's...Mouthfeel is light to medium and there really isn't much of an aftertaste to speak  of. The intense nose had me so looking forward to the taste but was a little let down...Not bad but then again not great.

Score: 7.8.10

Monday, October 25, 2010

Schmaltz Brewing - Coney Island Brewing - Sword Swallower Hop Lager Review

Brewery: Coney Island/ Schmaltz Brewing Co.

Style: "Steel Hop lager" IPA

ABV: 6.8%

Sight: It pours a pleasant golden-brown that has a translucent cloudiness that fades as it warms. The head comes out a half-inch thick with an off-white color.

Aroma: A very strong caramel malt nose that doesn't let up throughout the sniff. There is an undertone of hoppy floral and citrus notes of pine and grapefruit. A little tingle of alcohol shows at the end.

Taste: Malt and dryness are the great upfront tastes that come through...A sweet caramel malt that coats the tongue with a thin clingy film. Orange and lemon are those citrus notes that I mentioned with the aroma. The citrus tastes bleed from front to back the brew finishes with a tad tartness at the corners of the tongue.

Overall: A solid brew from a great brewing company. Malty goodness that has a nice hop presence leading to a creamy medium mouthfeel with a nice tart close. On a side note I love the creativity of not only the brew itself but the concept of the marketing for the Coney Island Line...the circus "freak" images and names add the the creativity of the brand.

Score: 8.7/10

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Butternuts Beer & Ale - Snapperhead IPA

Brewery: Butternuts Beer & Ale

Style: Farmhouse India Pale Ale

ABV: 6.3%

Sight: A nice cloudy sunset orange body with hints of browns, and yellows throughout. A fluffy bright-white head pours out neat to a full head of at least an inch thick. It dissolves to a very thin film that laces the inside of the glass up to an that inch.

Aroma: Malt, orange zest, pine, and yeastiness are what first come forward for me in this one. The malt holds well throughout the inhale with a twinge of caramel to boot.

Taste: Smoothness of caramel malt with a mild overtone of bitterness begin this one. Some of that citrus flavor of grapefruit pops through well in the middle. The finish comes through with a little creaminess that lends to a little dryness.

Overall: I was interested on numerous times to get this one while at the store, but shyed away because of the gimmicky label on the can(all of the can designs are funky cool). Didn't want to get it just because of the design. The mouthfeel is medium with a fluffy creaminess that helps lead to the aftertaste of a hint of floral-sourness.

Score: 8.6/10