Thursday, April 15, 2010

HEAVY SEAS BREWERY - Red Sky At Night Review

Type: Belgian Farmhouse Style Ale(Spring Seasonal)

ABV: 7.5

Color: Translucent Golden-Yellow with a touch of orange

Aroma: Fresh Hoppiness with sweet citrus essence(orange, possibly lemon). Mild spice and malt nose.

Taste: Two words...Refreshingly sweet. Has an up front spicey tingle with the fruitiness coming in quickly. It'll coat the back of your throat nicely. The mild malt closes it out and holds on til the next swig.

Overall: Completely enjoyed it. From the smell, to the creamy coating of my tongue. Refreshing, clean, and complex, with the tastes being able to be seperated and noted individually. The balance between the hops, citrus, sweetness and malt is almost dead on. I couldn't ask for a better seasonal. Thanks Heavy Seas for making another excellent beer.

Score: 9.0/10

RJ Rockers Brewery - Son Of A Peach Review

Type: Wheat Ale

ABV: 5.8%

Aroma: Sweet, and let me think, could it smell of "peach"...Yes! Nice with very little hop to speak of.

Taste: Tongue coating and lightly bitter.Peach is there, but comes across muted...The wheat used in the brewing process is probably to blame. The finish hangs with you and leaves you with a not so friendly aftertaste.

Overall: I was looking forward to drinking this one...The label was pretty cool. When i first smelled it i was also let down because i was expecting to be punched in the nose with peach, but no, way too mellow. It tasted of an average wheat beer with some blah peach added. Sorry to say it, but if this is a sign of thier offerings i won't be looking for the others any time soon...The old addage is true...don't judge a beer by its label.

Score: 5.7/10

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Anchor Brewing Company - Summer Beer Review

Type: American Wheat Beer

ABV: 4.6%

Color: Golden Yellow with a small head that dicipates nicely with some clinging to the sides of the glass.

Aroma: Fresh Grass, lotsa hops and some light sweetness(matbe citrus)

Taste: Nice bitterness with heavy dryness. Mild spice, with an uneventful end...Some of the taste characteristics of Hefeweizen, but with the look of a pilsner.

Overall: Could be refreshing after sweating on a hot summer day, but for me that isn't enough. Dry and bitter, unbalanced...The only sweetness i get isn't in the taste, but in the nose. The wheat is there but not significant enough for me to be interested. Don't avoid, but don't hunt it down either.

Score: 7.5/10

Monday, April 12, 2010

Heavy Seas Brewery - Below Decks 2009 Vintage

Type: Barley Wine Style Ale

ABV: 10%

Color: Deep Amber with a with a red hue

Aroma: Sweet and smooth to the nose with a nip of spice

Taste: Caramel, rich and smooth with some touches of sweet raisins. Essence of malt hits in the middle, then spice to the finish it out. Very light carbonation if any.

Overall: Really enjoy the sweetness of this one. Some spice that hits the back of the throat. malt essence that coats the tongue for a minute or two. Hardcore brew that will make you want more and more. A nice hide of the 10% Alcohol By Volume. Keep up the good work "HS"

SCore: 8.8/10

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Heavy Seas Brewery Tour - Interesting and Entertaining

Hey guys(and gals),

Back from yesterdays brewery tour at Heavy Seas, and can say that i enjoyed myself.

Why wouldn't I, right? Beer? Beer knowledge? Beer people? Nothing wrong with that.

When you first go in, you are offered a $5.00 souvenir glass with 5 tasting tokens. From there my father and i proceeded to get a brew(Red Skies At Night within a week of good). Then we walked around the front room, looked around at the shirts, sauces, glassware, other Heavy Seas Merch. We then sat down after getting a second beer, to watch the rest of the crowd file in, about 25 in all.
After 20 minutes of tasting, Chris Farley(I Know), came out and introduced himself and the tour was on it's way.

We saw what it takes to put together the beer, from storage of the hops and such, to the brewing and storage tanks, to the sanitation and bottling area...Firkins aged cask-Barrels.

All in all it was a pretty cool 90 minutes. If you are in the Baltimore or want to take a ride, i would suggest the tour just for the knowledge of how it all comes together.

BEERTENDER - Newcastle Brown Ale now available

Beertender users, oh what a great day it is...Now we have another option, not just Heineken and Heineken Light. Newcastle Brown Ale is available now. If you like it, go get yourself the new mini keg and pour away.