Friday, June 25, 2010

RJ Rockers - Fish Paralyzer Review

Type: Belgian-Style Pale Ale

ABV: 7.5%

Pckg: 22 oz. Bottle

Sight: Anything but "Pale" to me...Deep dark brown with burnt orange tint when light is thrown at it. The head is smoothe a finger thick and creamy...lasting on the surface til the first sip

Aroma: Roasted malt and yeasty at first breath, then a hint of spice sneaks in there with the tingle from alcohol

Taste: Much malty sweetness with a light dry element. A tad sourness holds the edges of the tongue. A light smokiness comes through with a fuller mouth.

Overall: With the name, I was expecting it to be over-the-top, but it is really good. It, to me, is more light a Brown Ale(Newcastle) than a Pale Ale. The mouthfeel is medium to full but doesn't hinder this brew from being enjoyed as a session beer. Great job RJ...I wasn't really that impressed with "Son Of A Peach" as many others were, but you've redeemed yourself well.

Score: 8.8/10

Samuel Smith's Old Brewery Pale Ale Review

Type: Pale Ale

ABV: 5%

Sight: Deep dark orange with an almost brown hue. The head pours a creamy off-white that is half a finger thick

Aroma: Light orange tang at first, then malt shines on the deeper the inhale...some spice adds to the tingle of alcohol.

Taste: Sweetness of citrus and malt hit first, then the transition to close, is a tad sour with a moderate amount of alcohol tingles.

Overall: Nice balanced light body with a friendly citrusy backbone. The malt melds well with the alcohol to get to the tangy end. That alcohol  is an asset to the beer in that it keeps the front and back leveled to make this a nice balanced ale.

Score: 8.5/10

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Baltika - Grade 9 Extra Lager Review

Type: Lager

ABV: 8%

Sight: Clear but hazy golden yellow with a significant white head that hangs for a while then coats the top nicely

Aroma: On a big inhale the malt hits along with some alcohol and a touch of citrus

Taste: Sweet maltiness is strong along with a light lemony essence. From the front to back there isn't much inbetween...It finishes sour and holds the tongue well

Overall: It's okay. I wouldn't turn it down if someone offered it to me, or if i was at a bar in Moscow, but I wouldn't hunt one down again for myself. A little lopsided with sweet up front and sour at the end with nothing substantial in the middle.

Score: 7.5/10

Southern Tier Brewing CO. - Farmers Tan Imperial Pale Ale Review

Type: Imperial Pale Ale

ABV: 9%

Packaging: 22oz. Bottle

Sight: Crystal clear bright yellow with a slight hue of orange is topped with a fluffy white head that starts an inch thick and wanes to a thin film on the surface

Aroma: Sweetness of Grapefruit is the dominant pop on first breath. Other citrus come through(lemon and light orange), along with a bit of breadiness.

Taste: Grapefruit and wheat come through strong...Almost sweet and tingly-dry enough to remind me of a white wine. The alcohol of 9% is there but not as strong as you might think...It is subtle and holds the tongue well.

Overall: The easiest way to describe this beer is like this..."A lemonhead in a shot of pure-grain"...Maybe not that dramatic but you get the picture. Very citrusy and slightly bready. Very refreshing, and although alcoholie(sp.)it still is definitely a sessionable beer(mostly because of the light to medium body). Beware though of that 9% alcohol, it might bite you in the butt.

Score: 8.5/10

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bacon & Beer Fest Set for 9/11/10 Tix on Sale 8/1/10

Pirates, Pigs & Pints!
Our favorite fest of them all!  10+ Bacons from around the world and dishes made with bacon from the area's best restaurants.  Be sure to dress like a pirate to help us celebrate "Talk Like a Pirate Day". There will be a contest & prizes for the Best Dressed Pirate! 
12 Taps plus firkins  ~ Live Music
"All you care to taste" beer & bacon, food made with bacon, plus bacon, bacon, bacon.
Tix on sale 8/1.
Check back for updates!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Oskar Blues Brewery - Dale's Pale Ale Review

Type: Pale Ale

ABV: 6.5%

IBU: 65

Packaging: Can

Color: Dark yellowesque-brown with golden yellow towards the bottom. A small head tops the surface is off-white

Aroma: Sweet and mildly hoppy with a tad bit of spice that tingles the nose.

Taste: Malty backbone with nice hop-popinness which comes through on the back end. The body is light to medium and there is a light aftertaste on the tongue

Overall: Nice balance betweeen the malt and the hop bitterness. Sweetness is dead on and doesn't take away from the hop bitterness that i love. Kudos to Oskar Blues, and congrats for winning Gold for this one at World Beer Championships this year

Score: 8.7/10

Shipyard Brewing Co. - Fuggels IPA Review

Type: IPA

ABV: 5.8%

Color: Translucent orange(deep dark) with an average head that is quick to disappear.

Aroma: Lemony floral nose that you pick up with a deep inhale. Normal breathe is subtle and average.

Taste: Hop is underlying, compared to the malt. Not an appropriate character of an IPA to me. Some lemon essence comes from behind the sweet and the alcohol.

Overall: Not great but not all that bad. Seems lost at identifying itself. More malt sweet that than hop bitter, and not in a good way. Alcohol is too previlant and the end is basic and lingering.

Score: 7.0/10

Monday, June 21, 2010

The rules of Three Sheets...If you didn't know

As you know by now Three Sheets is getting another shot on The Travel Channel, every night starting on June 30(next Wednesday) at 11:00pm and 11:30pm. It should be picked up for a new 5th season if things go well with syndication of the reruns.

Show your support by contributiing to a worthwhile cause and thanking The Travel Channel at the same time.

Donate to buy The Travel Channel a beer from Maui Brewing Co. and support a highly favored charity of Zane's: The Art Of Elysium. at the same time. Zane will buy the first 100 brews and we can buy the rest to be delivered on the day of the new airings on June 30th.

Go to PayPal - "Buy Travel Channel A Beer" to make the donation. and make sure you watch as much as you can to make sure we get at least 1 more season of Three Sheets made.

I was watching another episode of Three Sheets and decided to write down the rules of Drinking according to "Three Sheets"...Here they are:

1. When Zane drinks, we drink
2. When Steve Mckenna is mentioned, we drink
3. When someone burps, the last person to put thumb to forehead with pinky extended has to drink
4. The fiirst person to spot Pleepleus can make anyone drink.

So the next time your watching or just hanging with friends and wanna add some extra fun, remember these rules and drink up.

Evolution Craft Brewing - Lot #3 IPA Review

Type: America India Pale Ale

Packaging: Growler from Brewery

ABV: 6.8%

IBU: 65

Color: Orange hued yellow body with a gorgeous fluffy white head that coats the surface of the beer after leveling out.

Aroma: Very strong and intense citrusy hop nose with a little maltiness and pininess to boot. The deep inhale is mesmerizing.

Taste: Over the top hop bitterness with citrus of orange and a little lemon showing dominance. The middle becomes sweet with a mild sour on the back of the tongue leaving you wanting more and more.

Overall: Just what I expected from Evolution...A full flavored brew that is both unique and recognizable in the category. Great hop presence, with moderate malt, all packaged in a light to medium body. Nearly everything I could want in a great IPA..."beef up the hops more and I'd almost be willing to give it a 10".

Score: 9.4/10