ABV: 7.5%
Pckg: 22 oz. Bottle
Sight: Anything but "Pale" to me...Deep dark brown with burnt orange tint when light is thrown at it. The head is smoothe a finger thick and creamy...lasting on the surface til the first sip
Aroma: Roasted malt and yeasty at first breath, then a hint of spice sneaks in there with the tingle from alcohol
Taste: Much malty sweetness with a light dry element. A tad sourness holds the edges of the tongue. A light smokiness comes through with a fuller mouth.
Overall: With the name, I was expecting it to be over-the-top, but it is really good. It, to me, is more light a Brown Ale(Newcastle) than a Pale Ale. The mouthfeel is medium to full but doesn't hinder this brew from being enjoyed as a session beer. Great job RJ...I wasn't really that impressed with "Son Of A Peach" as many others were, but you've redeemed yourself well.
Score: 8.8/10