Sunday, August 8, 2010

Widmer Brothers - Drifter Pale Ale

Type: Pale Ale

ABV: 5.7%

Sight: Deep translucent rust-orange with a pretty light and fluffy white fingers thick head. That head dwindles done to a scarce white film on the surface.

Aroma: Awesomely sweet malt front with a come-from-behind hop bite that is very inviting...Me being a hop-head an all. A light spice comes through near the end to help close it out.

Taste: Those malts show through in the taste here as well as in the nose. Rich caramels that are sweetened to almost perfection. They lead to a nice orange hoppiness that is crisp and a nice enhancement to the fronting malts.

Overall: First Widmer Brothers brew for me and what a good first impression. This beer is deep and crisp with nice touches of malt and hop, that bounce off each other in harmony. The "Drifter" leaves a smooth, to non-existant aftertaste., while leaving a mouthfeel of light to medium.

Score: 9.0/10