Thursday, May 27, 2010


Type: Schwarzbier

ABV: 4.8%

Color: As the name would imply...It is black with a thin white head

Aroma: Sweet maltiness with very little to almost no floral or hoppy tones

Taste: Definitely a roasted malt kick to it up front. Then some dryness that is nearly overwhelming. Alcohol is there but not to a ridiculous degree.

Overall: The look and taste are very close to a stout. It has the overall complexity of a lager, with the texture of the stouts. It isn't bad at all. I could drink it regularaly, but not more than maybe 2 at one sitting.

Score: 7.6/10

Belgiums BAVIK Pils Review

Type: Pilsner

ABV: 5.2%

Color: Bright white-yellow with a very thin white head that is gone way to quickly as it leaves trailed lacing.

Aroma: Floral sweet with an aromatic refreshing overall nose

Taste: Mildly sweet and almost buttery. Light bitter that finishes with a mellow sour aftertaste

Overall: Not bad a all. When first poured it looked like a white beer...very very light in yellow color. Not as much of an aftertaste as i wanted. That is what would have seperated this Pils from alot of others. A good beer but not distinctly memorable.

Score: 7.8/10

New Zealand's Monteith's Pilsner Beer Review

Type: Pilsner

ABV: 5%

Color: A deep Golden Yellow with a thin white head that dies off quickly

Aroma: Floral hints along with a touch of sour. Clean subtle hop presence that is fresh and crisp.

Taste: A tad bit of lemon along with a nice bitter bite start it off. The light to medium dryness comes next and it finishes off leaving a tongue coating sour that hangs for a while.

Overall: Nothing special about this can't really go wrong when you follow traditional methods. I would drink this pilsner than any other of the big brewers offerings. This will lead me to trying other Monteiths beers in the future.

Score: 7.8/10

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

ALTON BROWN'S Good Eats Episode on Brewing Beer

Hey there everybody, I remember seening this episode of the every informative Good Eats show The Food Network. So when I came across it on the net I figured I'd post the show here for my friends and such to enjoy. So here it is - Good Eats: BREWING 101

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

DuClaw Brewing Company - Sawtooth Review

Type: Belgian White Ale

ABV: 4.8%

Color: Cloudy wheaty-gold with a nice full white head that is gone almost as fast as it appeared. It leaves a thin white film on the top of the beer.

Aroma: Citrus, wheat and subtle malt sweetness. Something else I can't really place. A very inviting scent.

Taste: Orange with a medium to full citrus bitter are prominent. There is a nice tingle on the tongue from the alcohol. The ending stays bitter to almost sour to the lingering aftertaste.

Overall: Full filling body that has a nice sweet. The aftertaste is a nice compliment to the beginning.

Score: 8.2/10

Brewers Art Brewing Company - La Petroleuse Ale Review

Type: Belgian Ale

ABV: 7.8%

Color: Cloudy deep orangish-brown with nice golden hues at the bottom. The head is full and creamy, but disappears quickly.

Aroma: In order of dominance: Alcohol, Citrusy-orange, and malt sweetness.

Taste. Alcohol also mildly dominates the taste, but the citrus does come through, lightly mixing with some mild hints of malt. The finish is uneventful and leaves an alcohol taste on the tongue.

Overall: I was so anticipating this beer, but when i finally took a drink, the excitement vanished. I didn't get malt or the citrus that much, and that was disappointing. I don't hate it, but I think the expectations my be making me bias in the rating I am given. The Belgian influences are there, and are why i give it some extra respect.

Score: 7.8/10

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Brewers Alley Brewing Company - India Pale Ale Review

Type: IPA

ABV: 5.4%

Color: Cloudy orange with golden touches on the top and bottom. A one finger thick white head that dies almost immmdiately after the pour.

Aroma: Very clean and strong orange nose with some bite from the hops. Other citrus notes pop as well, grapefruit and lemon mostly.

Taste: Nice bitter and orange rind are the first tingles on the tastebuds. Medium body that is a little pleasant, with a finish that is simple and dry.

Overall: Like it alot. The nose really brings you in and has you wanting to drink this badly. Fisrt sip is intriguing, but after that not much to elaborate on.

Score: 8.3/10

Brewers Alley Brewing Company - 1634 Ale

Type: Rye Beer

ABV: 5.8%

Color: Dark iced-tea brown with red tones...No head formed at all(and I poured it sloppily too boot).

Aroma: Sweet, and a little spicy with malt coming though. Alcohol is abundant in the breath with little to no hop presence.

Taste: The initial taste of alcohol is strong and almost overwhelming. Some malt and possible caramel does cover the alcohol taste. It finishes as uneventful as it began, with little aftertaste.

Overall: Mellow in everything but the taste of alcohol. It almost makes me not want to finish it. I did and got used to the taste and it grew a tad on me. Not completely terrible, but not really all that good either.

Score: 6.2/10