Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dogfish Head - Red & White Review

Brewery: Dogfish Head Craft Brewing

Type: Belgian Wit

ABV: 10%

Sight: This brew pours from the bottle a beautiful hazy light-cherry red that is nearly impenitratible to light. A little foggy sediment doesn't completely settle at the bottom. The head pours thin and bubbly white, and dissolves to a scarce film on the surface.

Aroma: Sweetness of grapes and of a very, very light malt front this nose. With a second inhale there is a nice spike of alcohol with a little bit of spice that could be that coriander. The pinot noir juice smell hits at the end of the deeper inhale.

Taste: Alcohol is the big taste that comes forward the most. There is a nice fading of that alcohol into a warming wine grape sweetness that leads to the mid-point of the brews body. A nice mellow dryness comes through well leading to a touch of the coriander spice and cherry juice. The finish is very light and clean.

Overall: I was looking forward to this brew, after seeing it at the brewpub in Rehobeth...Couldn't find it around Baltimore, until recently. I enjoyed this, but was a little disappointed in the overwhelming taste of alcohol...I know it is 10% ABV but I was hoping for more of the Pinot Noir flavor than the alcohol. The mouthfeel is medium to full with a fairly clean and light aftertaste. There is a very good complexity of flavors throughout which make this a very desirable brew. If you get a chance to get this, make sure you grab it while you can.

Score: 8.3/10

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