Thursday, August 5, 2010

Heavy Seas Brewery - "Letter of Marquee" - Mutiny Fleet - Rye Porter Review

Brewery: Heavy Seas Brewery - Baltimore, Md.

Type: Porter with Rye

ABV: 7.8%

Sight: Obvious opaque deep rich brown, almost black with a full fluffy tan head one finger thick. mild lacing along the sides of the glass leaving a thin film on the surface.

Aroma: Spice of rye and deep roasted malts pop in the beginning. Toffee, a tad coffee and some chocolate hits also. Maybe a touch of earthiness from hops.

Taste: Creamy chocolate and spice tingle the tip of the tongue. There is a mild bite to the sides of the tongue possibly from those surprising hops. Overtones of dry roasted malts actually take over nicely. The end is abrupt and mild...Not at all unwelcomed.

Overall: I get nervous about these homebrewers series beers, because most of them are hit or miss. This one isn't just a hit it is a Home Run...Heavy Seas found a good brew with this porter...From the addition of the rye to spice it up a little, to the hop surprises, its creamy, well-balanced with a nice medium  mouthfeel. Goes well with the cheese In the picture(Real Amish-made Guinness Port cheese), but could also go well on it's own. Congrats to the winners Frank Butt & Neil Heinlein on winning the Letter Of Marquee for this year. Good Job.

Score: 8.8/10


  1. sounds excellent. just picked up a bottle of this one at Beltway today. looking forward to trying it soon.

  2. Porters and stouts aren't my first pick when drinking, but this was so good I wouldn't hesitate in chosing this one first when I have it available. It's ashame they are only gonna have it for a little while, before they do the next season winner.
