Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Samuel Smith's INDIA ALE Review

Type: India Ale(Pale)

ABV: 5%

Color: Shiny new penny copper with a slight tinge of red added. It has a nice thick creamy white head(like beaten egg whites) with incredible lacing.

Aroma: Sweet and clean...Orange with other hints of citrus. Some light floral tones coming through from the hops.

Taste: Smooth and very subtle...at first dull, like tap water, then it comes up and the hops hit through, not hard, but subliminally in the guise of orange and a little smoke. Some malt keeps things balanced til the end where that smoke helps dry things out.

Overall: I am very happy that i picked this brew up the other day. Well balanced, clean and refreshing. Can dfinitely be enjoyed with spicy foods or on a hot summer afternoon.

Score: 8.8/10

1 comment:

  1. I find ANYTHING from Samuel Smith's to be fantastic, and of course this one does not disappoint and this IPA REALLY REALLY impresses.

    That being said, have you had a chance to give Samuel Smith's Nut Brown Ale a shot yet? If not, go for it...it too is very much worth it.

