Friday, September 10, 2010

DogFish Head Brewery - Bitches Brew Review

Type: "A dark beer that's a fusion of three threads imperial stout and one thread honey"

ABV: 9%

IBU: 38

Sight: There are no if's,an's, or but's about it...This is a very boldly dark beer, chocolate black in body with a half-fingers thin, foamy light brown sugar colored head. Theat head wanes fast to leave a spotty film in the center, and in a ring around the glass.

Aroma: On the initial inhale I get alcohol, chocolate, roasted malt and licorice. Second and deeper breath give a more complex nose of fig, prunes, and plum, but also some earthiness of tree-bark or unsweetened cocoa nibs.

Taste: With the presentation of a stout youd not expect sweetness as abundant as you get with this beer. Cherry, candied sugar, and that added honey are welcoming in the initial sip, then alcohol and a light bitter follow nicely. Near the end you get more of those sweeter noted from plum, and possible raisin. It finishes fairly clean with a continued tang on the sides of the mouth.

Overall: Well, as said in the tasting notes, I was completely turned 180 degrees from what I expected. Mouthfeel is fizzy and light to medium. You will get a tingle from the front to back. It is balanced well, but could possibly use a creamy element to make it as "Historic" as the album for which it's named. It is a fine beer though, don't get me wrong, and a fitting tribute to the man, the ledgend...Miles Davis

Score: 8.6/10

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