Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Oliver Ales - Pratt St. Ale House - Nitrogen-poured 3 Spires Review

                                         The 3 Spires of coventry, which the brew was named

Type: English Golden Ale

ABV: 5%

Sight: Crystal clear golden-orange body with no carbonation or head to speak of...It's not the beer it must have been a bad poor from the brewery. Never fear, I charge on with the review.

Aroma: Very light in the nose. I get some light hop of pine and grass. The light malt scent is of a caramel sweetness. Again these smells are very light and unpronounced.

Taste: Very clean and nicely sweet. To me it's like a mild tea with a very earthy hop character. The front is mellow and the malt comes through sweet with a light sour bite. At the finish, the hops hold strong and become the whole of it all. Earthiness of pine, very mild citrus, and a tad dryness are it.

Overall: I've had this great beer a few times prior and got the positive from the nitro-pour...even getting this growler with no carbonation didn't really take the flavors and smoothness away. The only complaint i guess would be the tingles that come with the rest of the pour. I can actually give it a good score with the missing components, but would have given it an even higher score if poured to it's appropriate perfection.

Score: 8.5/10

Pratt Street Ale House


  1. Because this is a nitro (smooth pour) beer, by filling a growler you're going to lose much of the beer's gas and it's not possible to get a true representation of the beer as it would be poured at the bar, much in the same way a growler of cask ale would lose the little carbonation it contains in a growler fill. Steve

  2. Steve, i hope you weren't offended...I knew, and took that into consideration when doing the review. The pic though was nice other than it having no head...trying to explain why it didn't. Don't hold it against me.


  3. No. I'm not offended, just want to make sure people realise that growlers of nitro beers don't really compare to the "pint at the bar"! It was a good review and I appreciate it (I like the 3 Spires photo as well, nice of you to do a bit of background research).Cheers
