Monday, August 23, 2010

Brooklyn Brewery - East India Pale Ale Review

Brewery: Brooklyn Brewery

Type: India Pale Ale

ABV: 6.8%

Sight: This brew pours a very attractive light copper tinted gold, with a moderate bubbly white head roughly a fingers thick. It leaves a solid film on the surface when the head diminishes down.

Aroma: Clean and crisp nose at first with a pleasant hoppy citrus character that dwindles to a mild malt essence with a deeper inhale.

Taste: The front gives a definite earthy tone...grass, dryness of hops and a sweetness of malt. The middle lends the the citrusy esters that are common to the brew type...Brooklyn Brewery balanced this through til the end with a continual hop presence that finishes sweet and clean, with very little aftertaste.

Overall: I was a little twisted with the breakdown of the brew...It looks and smells of an IPA, but I don't know if it really follows to the letter, the description of an IPA. The characteristics are there, hops, dryness, citrus, and malts, but the flavors are a tad backwards. The hops you'd expect to be dominant aren't the main tastes...The more overwhelming taste is of the malt. I woouldn't say it was a "lighter" malt either. The malt is sweet and tends to overpower the hops all the way through.
The brew fits more of an english bitter than an IPA. That doesn't mean that it isn't good, just means to me that thetitle could be a little misleading.
The mouthfeel is medium and is full of carbination, finishing with a mild to no aftertaste.

Score: 7.7/10

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